Monday, April 26, 2010

The Most Powerful 'Three - Words'

The following three-word phrases can enrich every relationship. These are just three little BUT VERY POWERFUL words !!!

I'll Be There
If you have ever had to call a friend in the middle of the night, to take a sick child to hospital, or when your car has broken down some miles from home, you will know how good it feels to hear the phrase "I'll be there." Being there for another person is the greatest gift we can give. When we're truly present for other people, important things happen to them & us. We are renewed in love and friendship. We are restored emotionally and spiritually. Being there is at the very core of civility.

I Miss You
Perhaps more marriages could be saved & strengthened if couples simply & sincerely say to
each other "I miss you." This powerful affirmation tells partners they are wanted, needed, desired & loved. Consider how ecstatic you would feel, if you received an unexpected phone call from your spouse in the middle of your workday, just to say "I miss you."

I Respect You / I Trust You
Respect and trust is another way of showing love. Its conveys the feeling that another person is a true equal. If you talk to your children as if they were adults you will strengthen the bonds & become close friends. This applies to all interpersonal relationships

Maybe You're Right
This phrase is highly effective in diffusing an argument and restoring frayed emotions. The flip side to "maybe you're right" is the humility of admitting maybe "I'm wrong". Let's face it. When you have a heated argument with someone, all you do is cement the other person's point of view. They, or you, will not change their stance and you run the risk of seriously damaging the relationship between you. Saying "maybe you're right" can open the door to further explore the subject, in which you may then have the opportunity to get your view across in a more rational manner.

Please Forgive Me
Many broken relationships could be restored and healed if people would admit their mistakes and ask for forgiveness. All of us are vulnerable to faults and failures. A man should never be ashamed to own up that he has been in the wrong, which is saying, in other words, that he is wiser today than he was yesterday.

I Thank You
Gratitude is an exquisite form of courtesy. People who enjoy the companionship of good, close friends are those who don't take daily courtesies for granted. They are quick to thank their friends for their many expressions of kindness. On the other hand, people whose circle of friends is severely constricted often do not have the attitude of gratitude.

Count On Me
A friend is one who walks in when others walk out. Loyalty is an essential ingredient for true
friendship; it is the emotional glue that bonds people. Those that are rich in their relationships tend to be steady and true friends. When troubles come, a good friend is there
indicating "you can count on me."

Let Me Help
The best of friends see a need and try to fill it. When they spot a hurt they do what they can to heal it. Without being asked, they pitch in and help.

I Understand You
People become closer and enjoy each other more if they feel the other person accepts and understands them. Letting your spouse know in so many little ways that you understand them, is one of the most powerful tools for healing relationship. This applies to any relationship.

Go For It
We are all unique individuals. Don't try to get your friends to conform to your ideals. Support them in pursuing their interests, no matter how weird they seem to you. Everyone has dreams, dreams that are unique to that person only. Support and encourage your friends to follow their dreams. Tell them to "go for it."

I Love You
Perhaps the most important three words that you can say. Telling someone that you truly love them satisfies a person's deepest emotional needs. The need to belong, to feel appreciated and to be wanted.Your spouse, your children, your friends and you, all need to hear those three little words "I love you."

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

जाली नोटों से बचने के लिए ये सावधानी बरतें

जाली नोटों से बचने के लिए ये सावधानी बरतें
राकेश सिंह को अपने पड़ोस के एटीएम से 500 रुपए का एक जाली नोट मिला। उन्हें इसके नकली होने का पता एक कॉफी शॉप में बिल का भुगतान करने के दौरान लगा। राकेश उस कॉफी शॉप में अक्सर जाते थे और इसी वजह से दुकान के मालिक से उनसे पूछताछ नहीं की, लेकिन उनके लिए उस नोट से छुटकारा पाना आसान नहीं था, यहां तक कि बैंक से भी उन्हें निराश ही लौटना पड़ा।

राकेश ने एटीएम से रकम निकालते समय मिनी स्टेटमेंट भी ली थी जो इस बात का सबूत थी कि उन्होंने रकम निकाली है, लेकिन स्टेटमेंट से यह साबित नहीं हो सकता था कि वह जाली नोट उस बैंक के एटीएम से ही मिला था। अंत में राकेश को उस नोट की रकम से हाथ धोना पड़ा। इस बारे में बैंकरों का कहना है कि उनके लिए सही और गलत ग्राहक की पहचान आसान नहीं होती।

ऐसी स्थिति से बचने के लिए भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक (आरबीआई) ने बैंकों से कैश काउंटर पर करेंसी सॉर्टर लगाने को कहा है। इसके साथ ही एटीएम में बैंक के कर्मचारी द्वारा नकदी रखने के बजाय कैसेट स्वाइप सिस्टम का इस्तेमाल करने का सुझाव दिया गया है।

आम जनता विशेष उपकरणों की मदद से जाली नोटों की पहचान कर सकती है। अल्ट्रावायलट (यूवी) लाइट की मदद से आप जाली नोट की पहचान कर सकते हैं। जाली नोट में ऑप्टिकल फाइबर की संख्या कम होती है। एक अनुभवी कैशियर 1,000 रुपए के नोट को छूकर ही उसके असली या नकली होने का पता लगा लेता है। यूवी लाइट के जरिए नोट की छपाई का वर्ष देखकर भी असली या नकली होने का पता लगाया जा सकता है। यह वर्ष नोट के मध्य और पिछले भाग में नीचे की ओर दिखना चाहिए।

बहुत से छोटे कारोबारियों का पूरा व्यापार नकदी पर ही टिका होता है। बैंकरों का कहना है कि ऐसे लोगों के लिए करेंसी सॉर्टर एक अच्छा उपाय है। इनकी कीमत 2,000 रुपए से एक लाख रुपए के बीच होती है। ऐसा नोट सॉर्टर खरीदना अच्छा रहता है जो नोट में सुरक्षा के सभी फीचर की पहचान कर सकता है।

एक प्राइवेट बैंक में रीटेल बैंकिंग के प्रेसिडेंट ने बताया, 'बाजार में उपलब्ध ज्यादातर सॉर्टर केवल कुछ फीचर की पहचान ही कर पाते हैं। उदाहरण के तौर पर इनके जरिए आप पेपर की क्वालिटी या वॉटरमार्क की आसानी से पहचान कर सकते हैं, लेकिन इनसे सिक्योरिटी थ्रेड या माइक्रो लेटरिंग में गड़बड़ी का पता लगाना मुश्किल होता है। खासतौर पर उस समय जब नकदी एक लाख रुपए या इससे भी ज्यादा होती है।'

अब वेंडर ऐसे करेंसी सॉर्टर उतारने की कोशिश में हैं जो भारतीय करेंसी नोटों के सभी सिक्योरिटी फीचर्स की पहचान कर सकें। अब यह समय ही बताएगा कि ये सॉर्टर जाली नोटों की संख्या में कमी लाने में कामयाब होते हैं या नहीं। 2008-09 में लगभग 3.98 लाख जाली नोट पकड़े गए थे। इनमें से अधिकतर बैंकों के जरिए चलन में आए थे।

जाली नोट मिलने पर क्या करें

अगर आपको किसी एटीएम से कोई जाली नोट मिलता है तो आप उस बैंक की शाखा में जाकर वह नोट बैंक अधिकारी को सौंप दें। वह नोट के जाली होने की बात साबित होने के बाद इसे जब्त कर लेंगे और आपको इसकी रसीद दी जाएगी। दुर्भाग्य से आरबीआई या किसी अन्य प्रशासनिक संस्था ने ऐसी स्थिति में समाधान का कोई रास्ता नहीं दिया है। आप केवल अपनी शिकायत दर्ज करा सकते हैं।

अगर आपको जाली नोट के स्त्रोत की जानकारी नहीं है, तो भी आप किसी भी बैंक की शाखा में जाकर लिखित में जानकारी देने के साथ नोट को जब्त करवा सकते हैं। अगर आपके पास पांच से ज्यादा जाली नोट पाए जाते हैं तो पुलिस तुरंत इसकी जांच शुरू कर देगी। इसमें आपको ऐसे नोटों के स्त्रोत के बारे में पूरी जानकारी देनी पड़ सकती है। ऐसा करने पर आप कानून के शिकंजे में सकते हैं।

प्रत्येक माह के अंत में प्रत्येक बैंक उन सभी जाली नोटों की एक एफआईआर दर्ज कराता है, जो उसे पूरे महीने के दौरान मिले हैं।

इन दिनों जाली नोट मिलने के मामले काफी बढ़ गए हैं। जाली नोट आमतौर पर 500 या 1,000 रुपए के होते हैं। अगर आपके पास इस तरह का कोई नोट आता है तो उसकी रकम का नुकसान होना तय है क्योंकि इसके बदले में आपको कोई असली नोट नहीं देगा। ऐसी स्थिति से बचने के लिए नकदी लेने के समय प्रत्येक नोट को ध्यान से देखें और उसके सुरक्षा मानकों की पहचान करने की कोशिश करें।

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Very Nice Story:

Very Nice Story:

A student asks a teacher: What is love?

The teacher said: In order to answer your question, go to the paddy field and choose the biggest paddy and come back.

But the rule is: you can go through them only once and cannot turn back to pick.

The student went to the field, go thru first row, he saw one big paddy, but he wonders….may be there is a bigger one later. Then he saw another bigger one… but may be there is an even bigger one waiting for him.
Later, when he finished more than half of the paddy field, he start to realize that the paddy is not as big as the previous one he saw, he know he has missed the biggest one, and he regretted. So, he ended up went back to the teacher with empty hand.
The teacher told him, this is love… you keep looking for a better one, but when later you realize, you have already miss the person

The student asked: What is marriage then?

The teacher said: In order to answer your question, go to the corn field and choose the biggest corn and come back. But the rule is: you can go through them only once and cannot turn back to pick.

The student went to the corn field, this time he is careful not to repeat the previous mistake, when he reach the middle of the field, he has picked one medium corn that he feel satisfied, and came back to the teacher.

The teacher told him, this time you bring back a corn…. you look for one that is just nice, and you have faith and believe this is the best one you get…. this is marriage

Be courteous to all , but intimate with few , and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence.

Friday, April 2, 2010

How to achieve 101%

How to achieve 101%

From a strictly mathematical viewpoint:

What Equals 100%?

What does it mean to give MORE than 100%?

Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%?

We have all been in situations where someone wants you to


How about ACHIEVING 101%?

What equals 100% in life?

Here’s a little mathematical formula that might help

Answer these questions:



Is represented as:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.


H-A-R-D-W-O-R- K

8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%



11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%



1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%

THEN, look how far the love of God will take you:


12+15+22+5+15+6+7+15+4 = 101%

Therefore, one can conclude with mathematical certainty that:

While Hard Work and Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will
Get you there, It’s the Love of God that will put you over the top!

"Hard work" with "knowledge" and "attitude" will led you 100%

but "love of god" will give you 101%

to achieve 101% you must add love of god in your every walk of life.

This is the great Indian paradox

This is the great Indian paradox. The country's economy is booming, with the number of millionaires and billionaires rising by the day. According to a research by Bain & Co, there are over 115,000 high-net worth individuals in India.

Since 2000, this elite group has grown an average of 11 per cent annually. Between 2006 and 2007, the number of wealthy individuals in India surged by 23 per cent, which is the highest growth rate in the world.

While this may be good news, here is the other side of the India growth story.

Today, more than 400 million people live below the poverty line in India. The global meltdown has pushed an additional 25 million to 40 million citizens below the poverty line.

So how can a country like India bridge the gap between its rich and poor? Are India's wealthiest people doing their best to reach out to the poorest? Well, the generosity of India's rich population does not necessarily rise with income and education, says the Bain & Co study.

"The wealthiest have the lowest level of giving at 1.6% of household income. While the 'high class', which is ranked one level below the 'upper class' on the income and education scale, donates 2.1% to charity, the middle class gives 1.9% of household income to philanthropy," says Arpan Sheth, partner, Bain & Company.

Nearly 40 per cent of the nation's wealth is controlled by the top 5 per cent of India's households. So about 1 per cent controls about 16 per cent of the national wealth, says the Bain study.

The charitable initiatives in India accounted to about $7.5 billion in 2009, according to the study, equivalent to about 0.6 per cent of the country's GDP.

The rate is higher than Brazil's 0.3 per cent and rival China's 0.1 per cent, but lags behind United States which is 2.2% and 1.3% in Britain, the report said.

Why are Indians not generous enough?

There are three major factors that curb philanthropy in India.

Many people who became rich recently are not willing to part with their wealth.

A Bain analysis of 30 high-net-worth individuals in India showed that they contribute, on average, just around one-fourth of 1 per cent of their net worth to social and charitable causes.

Many believe that the funding networks are not professionally managed and their donations may be misappropriated.

Besides this, since most of the companies are family-owned groups, they view corporate responsibility initiatives as a philanthropic step and avoid personal donations.

It is time for India to be more generous. India can emulate the West in terms of philanthropy, say observers.

"India's powerful economic engine is expected to produce thousands of millionaires in the coming years. There is no reason why our wealthiest citizens should not do more for those with less. India needs their philanthropy," says Bain & Co's Arpan Sheth.

The largest 100 foundations in the US have more than $200 billion in assets. These assets are used to help underwrite philanthropic activities. This massive asset base allows foundations to extend their support throughout the world.

India's foundations can learn valuable lessons from their American counterparts like the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. In India alone, it provides more than $1 billion for health and AIDS initiatives, states the study.

Several other aspects make charity cumbersome and badly organised in India. There are about 2 million charity operators in India.

But most of them are run without the transparency, processes and professional staff required to reassure donors and encourage large contributions, points out Sheth. So India needs more professional and large charity organisations.

Archaic laws and bureaucracy hinder both the growth and operations of non-profitable organisations so there is an urgent need to reform our laws and taxation policies and create a more supportive climate for charitable organisations, he says.

The growing number of wealthy Indians gives a ray of hope for better philanthropic activities in future.

"A more equal and less impoverished society benefits every one of us. A healthier, better-educated population means a more secure and prosperous India," Sheth says.